Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire of transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Children and YouthTools for teachers, parents, priests to set hearts ablaze with God's transforming love.Enter Here/youth-ministry-program-resources_self
Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire of transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Marriage and FamilyVirtual retreats, Pre-Cana to set hearts on fire with transformational loveEnter Here/resources-1_self
Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire of transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Prayerful NFPDeepen intimacy with spousal prayer and set your hearts afire with transforming loveFREE Prayer Journal/naprotechnology-1_self
Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire of transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Walking with MomsEncouraging transformational love with USCCB's Walking with Moms in Need: a year of service.FREE Online Program Here/online-program-walking-with-moms-in-need_self
Gabriel ProjectHelping moms most in need encounter transformational loveEnter Here/gabriel-project_self
Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire for transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Priests Partnering to light a fire of transformational loveEnter Here/for-priests_self
Jesus Thirsts for LifeHelp us light a fire of transformational loveDonate Today/donate_self
Share LoveTender encouragement from St. Therese of LisieuxFREE Prayerful Greeting
Adoration in the Chapel of Peace from 12 AM to 6 PM Fridays at 3 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet with Adoration in the Main Church with Confessions through 5:45 most weeks, call 518-499-1656 for details